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I choose not to subscribe to the tactics of blaming one sex or the other. When it comes to family violence, it’s a little more complicated than, “It’s a men’s issue.” 

I don’t question the veracity of it may be a men’s issue. Rather I choose to think it is more complicated than one sex over another. Bottom line though, I have zero tolerance for terrorism in the home regardless of how it is perpetrated.
Usually when it gets to sexual (not about sex) and other physical abuse, it is a final tactic to maintain control over a person…it runs deep and I love to read and listen to different perspectives on the subject. A final thought I have at the moment though – one person is responsible for their actions but it may take more than that one to fix it. If the Victim is no longer putting in a bid for the relationship to move forward, then it’s not in the cards for the two to put in the effort to reconcile. Otherwise, after a time of treatment, it may reach a point where couples counseling comes into play; not always though. This is a volatile subject but I welcome dialog and will always try to contribute positively on the subject matter.
 I give much thought to this subject and today was no exception to my rule of contemplation surrounding DV and terrorism in the home. Jackson Katzs is part of a great movement and that movement, changing the distorted thinking of men on a global level, fits his mission as it is a changing paradigm. We (men) are really socialized to fit a role defined not by us rather our society as a whole. Here’s a twist in all that though – we all play a role in our personal relationships…how are those roles defined? Should it be okay to agree on the role of a husband/father or the wife/mother? Those two questions are what makes this a most daunting task.