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What are Forensic Evaluations?

Forensic evaluations involve conducting a fact finding evaluation that uncovers the details of a case. This helps the defending attorney defend his/her client effectively.

In addition, as a forensic counselor, I apply psychological concepts to legal issues.

A forensic counselor must have a good grasp of:

  • The legal system and the basic principles of civil and criminal law. This is in addition to clinical training.
  • The interviewing techniques best designed to elicit useful responses. I have been conducting these interviews since 2008, when I worked for the Washington State Veteran’s Administration.

I work primarily in Oregon and Washington, but I am also available to consult via Zoom with attorneys and other professionals anywhere in the United States.

I perform a variety of forensic assessments for civil and criminal cases. Typical evaluations include:

  • Competency to stand trial or assist in a defense (Washington only)
  • Mental health status of a defendant or litigant
  • Domestic abuse
  • Workplace violence
  • Sentence mitigation

The time needed for a particular evaluation will depend on the level of information desired and the number of data sources I need to examine.

A forensic counselor’s presence on the team is a valuable asset whenever issues of competency, risk, sentencing mitigation, or other psycho-legal questions are on the table. Please contact me to learn more.

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