Tuan Dao seemed to everyone but his own family, to be a loving father. Even his extended family had little warning of what lay hidden beneath the surface. On April 24, 2011, the world woke up to a raging inferno that revealed who Tuan Dao really was.
- Who was this man who could burn his house down around himself and five of his children?
- Were there warning signs that Tuan Dao was capable of this atrocity?
- Were the conclusions drawn by the media valid?
InĀ More Than Domestic Violence, I explore these questions from dual perspectives. Before this tragic event, I already held a Bachelors Degree in Psychology, a Masters Degree in addictions counseling and was a Licensed Mental Health Professional. On April 24, 2011, I became a grandfather who lost five of his grandchildren in one night. I am working to ensure that never happens again in this community.
Read an excerpt from More Than Domestic Violence.
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